Android TV - non standard RES (HI RES) - OPTIONS
Posted: Tue Apr 18, 2023 3:59 pm
I always hated the gigantic icon-based scheme used by the TV version of Android. A few months ago I activated new options in the developer menu and finally the horrible look with giant icons disappeared.
Practically everything works (at least, no problems with any app I usually use)... except the VPN Client PRO configuration menu! In a nutshell, I'd say the first portion at the top ends... there, you don't know where. This is because it's not parts of the menu that go beyond the screen (in this case with the remote control I think I should still be able to go to that part even though I can't see it on the screen). , the problem is that at least the first 'options menu line' simply disappears, as if it didn't exist
In other words: I can modify all the options, but can't save.. since the "apply" button simply does not exist using this resolution..